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                 5 June 2013 | Wednesday            

President reaffirms Maldives support for the establishment of the State of Palestine

In his speech at the inauguration of the 4th International Conference of Bait Al Maqdis, President Dr Mohamed Waheed has reaffirmed Maldives support for the establishment of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the lands occupied in the 1967 war. He said while the Maldives support the Arab Peace Plan of 2002 and the recent efforts to revive it, he expressed hope for a positive outcome of the peace initiatives of the American government. Highlighting the current momentum towards peace in the Middle East, the President said that for the first time in many years, the conflict was “ripe for resolution”.

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Will not sign any agreement that compromises the independence of Maldives- Minister Nazim

Male': Minister of Defence and National Security, Mohamed Nazim has said that he will never sign any agreement that compromises the independence and sovereignty of the Maldivian nation. Minister Nazim made this remark speaking at the meeting of the Peoples' Majlis Committee of the Oversight of the government regarding the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between Maldives and the United States. The Minister said that the SOFA agreement is yet a draft agreement which will provide a framework to the ongoing joint military exercises that the US has with Maldives. He reiterated that the government has not agreed on any of the articles of the draft agreement.

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Nasheed is playing the role of the devil- Gasim

Landhoo: Leader and the Presidential candidate of the Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim has said that the Presidential candidate of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, former President Mohamed Nasheed is now playing the role of the devil and the people should be more alert regarding the tactics of Nasheed. Jumhooree Party leader Gasim made this remark speaking at the Jumhooree Party Campaign rally held at Noonu Atoll Landhoo island. Gasim said that the all of the angels and the Satan were ordered to prostrate towards Adam, the first man created but the Satan refused to prostrate out of arrogance. He said that the Satan then requsted Allah to give him permission to mislead the people till the day of Judgement. He said that Allah gave him permission and Satan made it his work to mislead and misguide the public.

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Nasheed is more dangerous than the open anti-Islamic people- Muttalib

Male': Fares-Mathoda constituency MP, Ibrahim Muttalib has said that the people know the status of the anti-Islamic “monk” that the President met because that person does not try to decieve the people into believing he is a Muslim. However, it is a difference case when it concerns a person who acts against Islam in the guise of being a Muslim, he said. MP Muttalib made this remark speaking at the Peoples' Majlis yesterday. “What we cannot digest is a former President of Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed of Canaryge mocking Islam and mocking Quran. We cannot digest this,” he said. Muttalib said that if Nasheed openly declares that he is not Muslim and he is a christian or a follower of another religion then there would not be any concerns since then the people would not be decieved by him. Other than this, Muttalib noted the issue of the return of bills to the Majlis without ratification by the President. He said that this occurs repeatedly because the members ignore making the necessary amendments to the bills that the President highlights when he returns the bills to the Majlis.

Gasim vows to establish an international dockyard in Haa Alif Atoll

Leader and Presidential candidate of the Jumhooree Party, MP Gasim Ibrahim has vowed to establish an international dockyard in Dhigufaru island new Haa Alif Ihavandhoo in a Jumhooree Party ruled government. Gasim made this remark speaking at the campaign rally of the Jumhooree Party held at Haa Alif Dhidhoo. During his speech, Gasim said that many international cargo ships from the east and west cross the Maldivian seas and therefore it is important to establish such a dockyard in the Maldives. He said that the Jumhooree Party's government will sign the agreement to build the dockyard with the investors with the condition of giving fifter percent of the employments to Maldivians. He expressed hopes that the dockyard will create more than three thousand jobs for Maldivians. He said that this will bring many developments and progress to Haa Alif Atoll and also to Maldives.

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Thai minister: Maldives tourism a model for Thailand
Thailand will introduce eco-tourism on many of the country’s islands to attract more foreign visitors, the tourism and sports minister said today. Somsak Purisrisak said the government will encourage Thai investors to adopt an environmental conservation system at tourist-favoured islands to tap high-end overseas tourists – the way the Maldives government has been doing.

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Thai investors look to the Maldives
The Thai private sector has seen great potential for investment in the Maldives, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said today. The Thai leader, who ends her three-day visit to the island nation this afternoon, said overseas investment on high-end tourism and services in the Maldives would give an opportunity for the export of Thai products.

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                 16 May 2013 | Thursday            

Gasim vows to make the defence force more mature, capable than ever

Leader of the Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim has vowed to make the defence force more mature and capable than ever. Gasim Ibrahim stated this in his speech at the Jumhooree Party rally held at Baa Atoll Eydhafushi. He said that his government will establish an air fleet and a sea fleet and will establish different centres of the defence force. He said that his government will also establish a place for the MNDF personnel to spend their vacation. Gasim said that the MNDF will be equippted with at least two helicopters, two aeroplanes and four sea vessels. He said that an airport will be developed specially for the defence force in his government.

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Penal Code is not in conformity with Quran- Committee

The Chair of the Peoples' Majlis Committee on review of the Penal Code, Biledhhoo constituency MP Ahmed Hamza has said that the the Maldivian Penal Law and Sentencing Codification is not in conformity with the “Hadd” punishments prescribed in the Quran. Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, member Hamza made this remark in yesterday's meeting of the committee with Sheikh Ilyas Hussein, the President of Adhaalath Party's scholarly committee, who was summoned by the Committee on review of the Penal Code for stating in one of his sermons that the Penal Law is in opposition to Islamic Shariah.

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EU Delegation calls on the President

A delegation of European Union Ambassadors in Colombo has paid a courtesy call on President Dr Mohamed Waheed. The meeting was held this afternoon at Muleeaage. At the meeting, discussions were focused on the current political situation of the country, and the preparations for the presidential elections to be held in Maldives this year. President Waheed highlighted the steps being taken by the government for democracy consolidation, and to protect and promote human rights in the Maldives. Continuing in this regard, the President reiterated the government’s commitment to work together with the partners in Europe in this endeavor. The President briefed the delegation on the measures undertaken by the government to maintain peace and stability in the country. He further underlined the efforts being put in by the government to overcome the economic challenges faced in the Maldives.

Country cannot be led by a leader who couldn't resolve Usfasgandu issue- Maaz Saleem

“Maaz” Saleem has noted that Dr. Mohamed Jameel Ahmed failed to resolve the issue of Usfasgandu during his tenure as the Minister of Home Minister for more than one year. Maaz Saleem made this remark speaking in an interview to VTV. He said that the country cannot be led by someone who failed to resolve the Usfasgandu issue. He noted that the issue is still at large and that an year has passed with the issue unresolved. Saleem said that this shows that Dr. Jameel is an incapable, unqualified and an incompetent leader. He said that the failure of the current government is because of appointing such inefficient people to ministerial posts. “The reason for appointing an incapable and incompetent person such as Dr. Jameel as the running mate of Yameen is because he knew a secret of Yameen. I believe that he was appointed as the running mate to bury that secret,” he said. Saleem said that PPM was formed to fight corruption but now sadly PPM is being invaded by corrupt people. He said that PPM now apparently encourages corruption. He said that this will never be accepted by those who found PPM. In addition to this Saleem criticised Dr. Jameel for his contradictory and changing view points. He noted that Dr. Jameel used to criticise former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and criticise Nasheed but later he supported Nasheed and now he has joined Gayoom.

If foreign assistance is required every time a boat is lost then there will be no soveriengty- Dr. Hussein

Deputy Leader of the Jumhooree Party, Dr. Hussein Rasheed has said that a nation's soveriengty will be under threat if the country has to request assistance from forieng countries every time a boat is lost at sea. Dr. Hussein made this remark speaking about the Manifesto of the Jumhooree Party. He said that the Maldives should give importance to this fact given the that Maldives is a country with most of its geographical area covered by the sea. He said that more and more boats and vessels are increasing with the development of the fishing industry and that will lead to more incidents at sea. Dr. Hussein noted that everytime a boat is lost the country is required to seek assistance from foreign countries because of the lack of resources. He said that this should be changed. In addition to this, Jumhooree Party's Policy Secretary Mohamed Ajmal noted the imminent threat of the rise of piracy in near by areas. He said that the defence force and the Police should be more equipped to tackle these issues. He said that the defence force should be given efficient resources to defend the country from any threats and to resolve sea incidents.

Thasmeen says he joined Dr. Waheed to bring an end to Gayoom and Nasheed's rule

Leader of the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party, DRP, Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has said that he joined President Dr. Mohamed Waheed to bring an end to the menace of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and former President Mohamed Nasheed to the country. Thasmeen made this remark speaking at a meeting held at DRP activity centre. He said that he initiated work to win the election with President Dr. Waheed to not let the country to repeat the rule of Gayoom and Nasheed. “We might not get the opportunity if we run in the election individually. For that reason I joined President Dr. Waheed,” Thasmeen said. Thasmeen said that the people have suffered in the thirty year rule of Gayoom and the three year rule of Nasheed and he would do whatever is possible to not let this repeat again. In addition to this, DRP Leader Thasmeen expressed confidence that the people will choose wisely in the upcoming Presidential election.

Good news for sharks at Indian Ocean Tuna Commission meeting
WWF International

measures for oceanic white-tip sharks, whale sharks and cetaceans following the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) annual meeting last week in Mauritius. IOTC member states agreed on important measures for the management of tuna fisheries and other vulnerable species such as white-tip sharks, which are not to be retained and need to be released unharmed if possible, while purse seiners can no longer set around whale sharks and cetaceans. One very positive outcome was the adoption of a proposal by the Maldives with regard to interim target and reference points, and a framework for management decisions to be taken in response to changes in stock status.

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Sri Lanka: Which way could India go in September?
N Sathiya Moorthy,

More than a month after the DMK withdrew support to the Manmohan Singh Government over the Sri Lanka vote issue at the UNHRC session in Geneva, no one is talking about the 'Tamil Nadu factor' influencing India's Sri Lanka policy. If anything, after a decade and more, a Government at the Centre has survived without parliamentary support from any of the 'Dravidian parties' in Tamil Nadu. It is believed that the differences between the original draft and the final one at Geneva might have been influenced by New Delhi. And tactically, India could not have influenced the draft-changes without supporting the US. Even an abstention at UNHRC could not have helped. On substantial issues, India's vote would have to be construed as making Sri Lanka 'accountable', not on 'human rights issues' but on a 'political solution'. This also seems to be the view of many of the voting-members at UNHRC, given the practicalities of the issues and procedures that are involved.

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                 10 May 2013 | Friday            

Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations pays courtesy call on President Waheed

Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has paid a courtesy call on President Dr Mohamed Waheed. The meeting was held this morning at the President’s Office. At the meeting, President and the Assistant Secretary General discussed the current political situation of the country and the preparations been made for this year’s presidential elections. Underlining the importance of conducting a transparent, free and fair electoral process, Mr Taranco stressed the need to engage in political dialogue amongst all parties. Mr Taranco noted the tremendous strides made by the country towards embracing and institutionalization of multi-party democratic governance. He applauded President Waheed for his leadership techniques in restoring peace and stability following the change of power in February 2012. President Waheed expressed appreciation for the continued support and cooperation received from the United Nations for the development of the Maldives. President reiterated the government’s commitment, to create a stable and transparent environment conducive to dialogue and to strengthen democratic reform and institutions.

Will inform UN Secretary General of the public concern regarding the murder of Dr. Afrasheem- Taranco

Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco has said that he will inform the UN Secretary General about the level of public concern regarding the brutal murder of the member of the Peoples' Majlis, Dr. Afrasheem Ali. Assistant Secretary General of the UN, Taranco said this while answering a question asked by Miadhu Daily reporter regarding the doubts raised in the public regarding the outcome of foreign intervention as the questions regarding the brutal murder of Dr. Afrasheem remain unanswered even with the investigation of the murder being assisted with a team from FBI. “The public now have doubts regarding foreign involvement in the investigation. As there are speculations regarding foreign involvement in the murder of the MP Dr. Afrasheem as there might be foreign concern regarding him being in the Majlis as he was a well known religious scholar,” when the reporter mentioned as such, Taranco said that the UN is also very concerned regarding this brutal murder of an MP. He said that the UN condemns this crime in the strongest possible terms, and hopes justice will be brought to bear. He added that no one should be above the law and the perpetrators of this ruthless crime should be brought to justice. When asked why the UN raises no concern for the violence against Police while the UN raises concern about the violence of the Police, the Assistant Secretary General of the UN said that the UN condemns all forms of violence including the violence against Police. He said that the leaders of the political parties should ensure that the people behind them respect the law. In addition to this, Taranco called on all concerned to ensure that allegations of police brutality and acts of intimidation be urgently investigated and perpetrators held to account.

Future of the nation and the island is with Gasim- Nazleen

Malhosmadulu Uthuruburi, Rasgetheemu island council's Chair, Aishath Nazleen has said that the future of the Maldivian nation and Rasgetheemu island lies with the leader of the Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim. Nazleen who was in the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party, DRP, for a long period of time and who now joined the Jumhooree Party said that she served DRP since the very beginning of the party very sincerely however she realized that none of her works for the development of the party never brought any development or progress to the island. She said that it is for this reason that she switched parties from DRP to the Jumhooree Party. Nazleen said that after much thinking she came to the conclusion that Jumhooree Party is the most capable party that can bring a change to the island and Gasim Ibrahim is the most competent candidate among those who have announced to run in the upcoming presidential election. In addition to this Nazleen said that now there is no time to waste on seeing only dreams but it is time to give importance to truly serve the people and provide them with their basic needs. “It is obligatory today to ensure development. Development and progress of the nation can only be ensured by joining the Jumhooree Party and supporting the presidential candidate of the Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim. People from many of the islands now acknowledge this fact,” she said.

People will say sorry to Nasheed in first round of election- Visaam Ali

Raa Atoll Maduvvari constituency MP and wife of MP Thasmeen Ali, Visaam Ali has said that the people will say sorry to the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, candidate former President Mohamed Nasheed in the very first round of the election and he will be defeated in that round. MP Visaam made this remark speaking at the DRP rally held at DRP activity centre. She said that she has researched the “one round” that Nasheed repeatedly speaks about in his campaign speeches. She said that Nasheed has perpetrated crimes against the people in “one round” during his regime and still continues to do. Visaam said that it is now certain that Nasheed will fail in the upcoming election in “one round” without having to go to a second round. Visaam said that Nasheed deducted from the wages of the civil servants in “one round” and his cabinet resigned in “one round” and he himself resigned from presidency in “one round.” In addition to this Visaam also said that Nasheed's supporters set fire to the police stations and courts in Addu on February 8 in “one round.” During her speech, MP Visaam also criticised PPM and said that PPM is not a party that has the capability to work together with other parties. She said that DRP can work with other parties and DRP espouses a moderate political ideology.

Come September!
N Sathiya Moorthy, The Sunday Leader,

It takes two to tango, and come September, Sri Lanka will see which way they will go. To be precise, which way one will lead the other – or, who between the two will lead the other, where and how! In September, the promised elections to the Northern Provincial Council are due. So is one more round of UNHRC session in Geneva. If elections are conducted, and are free and fair (read: TNA wins?), then Geneva will lose its charm to many. The global reservations to the Commonwealth Summit in November could also lose some more of its steam. A ‘Tamil government’ in the North, independent of the political colour, could lead to the current international discourse to Sri Lanka’s ‘national problem’ re-focussing on political issues and a political solution, where it should still belong. ‘Accountability issues’ could get pushed to the background.

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Agreement Would Allow U.S. Military Bunkering at Maldives
A draft agreement between the U.S. and theRepublic of Maldives would allow U.S. forces access to ship bunkering facilities, as well as sea ports and other facilities in the Indian Ocean island nation, the Maldives newspaper Minivan News reports. The status of forces agreement (SOFA), which was was said to have been leaked while negotiations are still underway, also authorises the U.S. to "undertake new construction works and make alterations and improvements.” However a spokesperson for the U.S. Embassy in Colombo said there are no plans for a permanent U.S. military presence in Maldives.

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No boots on ground, no military base in Maldives: US
Ruling out military base or having permanent boots on the ground in Maldives, a top Obama Administration official said that the US has consulted India on the Status of Forces Agreement which it is negotiating with the island nation and is likely to be signed soon. "We do not have any plans to have a military presence in Maldives," Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Robert Blake told PTI in an interview, adding that Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) is an effort to provide a framework to the ongoing joint military exercises that the US has with Maldives. "I want to reassure everybody that this SOFA does not imply some new uptick in military co-operation or certainly does not apply any new military presence. It would just be to support our ongoing activities," Blake said when asked about the concerns being raised in both India and Sri Lanka after a Maldivian news website reported about it and posted an alleged leaked copy of the draft SOFA agreement running into eight pages. Blake, could not verify the authenticity of the alleged draft of the SOFA agreement posted by a Maldivian news website. "I haven't seen the draft agreement. So I can't comment. But we are in the process of negotiating one now. These are standard text round the world, nothing very secret about them," he said.

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                 29 April 2013 | Monday            

Nasheed says He needs an alternative narration other than revelation and Hadeeth

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the He is in need of an alternative narration other than revelation of Allah and the Hadeeth eventhough Muslims don’t need such alternative. Presidential candidate of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, who is known for his criticism on Islamic Sharia and the Prophetic traditions made this remark in a lecture that took place 16 April 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark and was arranged by The Foreign Policy Society in cooperation with The Danish Parliament, Foreign Affairs Committee and CILJ - Centre for International Law and Justice, Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen.

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Development is not possible without smoothing democratic process- UN Resident Coordinator

New United Nations Resident Coordinator Anthony E. Lisle has said that sustainable development is not possible without smoothing the democratic process, and spoke of the importance of maintaining peace during the elections. The Resident Coordinator made this remark speaking at the ceremony held to present his credentials to President Dr Mohamed Waheed. Lisle expressed his optimism that the Maldives will find solutions to its own problems.

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People of Thimarafushi island says NO to PPM:
My constituency don't want me to be in PPM- MP Shareef

Thimarafushi MP Ahmef Shareef has said that the people of his constituency does not want him to be in the Progressive Party of the Maldives, PPM, MP Shareef made this remark in an interview to Miadhu Daily following a meeting held with the people regarding wherever he should remain in PPM. He said that the people do not want him to be in PPM. Shareef said that if he joins another party he would join either Qaumee Ittihaad Party or the Jumhooree Party. He said that he has informed the people of his constituency regarding his decision.

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Nasheed should be tried in court for treason- Shameem

State Minister for Tourism, Ahmed Shameem has said that the former President Mohamed Nasheed should be tried in court for treason. Shameem told Miadhu Daily that Nasheed is trying to consciously and purposefully aid the enemies of the Maldivian nation to destroy and damage the image of Maldives. He said that Nasheed has been targeting the tourism industry to destroy the industry.

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Nothing can be done for the issue of erosion- Keyodhoo council

Felidhoo Atoll Keyodhoo council has expressed concern for the issue of the soil erosion of the island and stated that there is nothing that the council can do anymore to tackle this big problem faced by the island. Councilors of Keyodhoo island said this at the meeting held with the councilors by the delegates of the Jumhooree Party. The party has been touring the islands to inform the people of the manifesto of the party. Councilors said that the problem of erosion is the biggest challenge faced by the island for years and still nothing much have been done to protect the island from erosion. The members of the island council said that they have pleaded the government to help the people and solve this problem but up until now there have been no adequate work done to tackle this problem.

Case filed in court regarding Umar's removal from PPM

Umar Naseer has filed a case at the Civil Court regarding his removal from the Progressive Party of the Maldives, PPM. Maaz Saleem informed Miadhu Daily that the matter has been filed at court yesterday. He said that Umar is not able to resolve the issue by appealing his removal from the party at the PPM appeal committee as he is no longer a member of PPM. Saleem said that now what is seen in PPM is the big fish eating the small fish. He said that the sacking of Umar from the party when the election is near will bring unthinkable damage to the party. Meanwhile, a case was filed earlier to invalidate the primary of the PPM on the claims that the primary vote has been rigged.

                 13 April 2013 | Saturday            

Gasim says he finds happiness in serving the people

Jumhooree Party Leader and the party’s Presidential Candidate Gasim Ibrahim has said that he finds happiness in serving the people of Maldives and not in spending his vacation in the Unites States or in any luxurious holiday desitnations. Gasim, one of the most respected businessmen and philanthropist in the country with a strong populist following amongst the people, made this remark speaking at the campaign rally of the Jumhooree Party held at Meemu Atoll Veyvashu island. Gasim, who was also the Speaker of the last Constitutional Assembly which passed the current Constitution of the Maldives, said that Allah has granted him enough wealth that he can spend on going for vacations to different expensive holiday destinations but however there is no need in spending the wealth to enjoy his life when the people are suffering.

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All verdicts of Supreme Court should be obeyed by all- Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has stated that all should obey the verdicts issued by the Supreme Court. In statement issued yesterday, the Supreme Court stated that all verdicts of the Surpreme Court are the final verdicts and therefore they should be obeyed and respected by all. The Supreme Court noted that the constitution states that the Supreme Court shall be the highest authority for the administration of justice in the Maldives. The Court also said that according to the constitution the Supreme Court shall be the final authority on the interpretation of the Constitution, the law, or any other matter dealt with by a court of law. Meanwhile , on Wednesday a report by Independent Institutions Committee on Supreme Court (SC) ruling to reverse People’s Majlis removal of Civil Service Commission (CSC) Chair Mohamed Fahmy Hassan, was passed by Majlis without changes to the committee report on the issue. Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, said that the Supreme Court cannot reverse Majlis removal Fahmy.

Weakening of faith creates opportunity for foreign powers to influence the nation- President

President Dr Mohamed Waheed has noted that foreign powers would always try to influence us every time there is conflict and instability within the society, and in turn worsen the country’s social harmony. The President made this remark in his visit to Alifushi Island, as part of his current tour of some islands in the North Maalhosmadulu Atoll. Meeting the people of the island Thursday morning, the President spoke of our weakening faith and how it creates the opportunity for foreign powers to influence the nation’s affairs.

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Nation needs a leader who will not disregard mosques and build churches – Gasim

Gasim Ibrahim, Leader and Presidential candidate of Jumhooree Party has said that the Maldivian nation is in need of a leader who will not disregard the building and expansion of mosques and who will not build temples, churches and synagogues in the Maldives. Gasim made this remark in the Jumhooree Party's campaign rally held at Naalaafushi during the party's campaign tour to Mulaku Atoll. Gasim, one of the most respected businessmen and philanthropist in the country with a strong populist following amongst the people, said that the people has seen the consequences of electing a person as the President in haste without giving any thought to it. He said that the people should deeply think on whom to vote in the upcoming election and should vote to the best candidate who has done the nation and the people the greatest service.

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India assures Maldives of stronger ties
India has assured the Maldives of stronger ties between both countries, the Maldivian government said Wednesday.India’s eewly appointed high commissioner to the Maldives, Rajeev Shahare gave this assurance after presenting his credentials to Maldivian President Mohamed Waheed, Xinhua reported. At a ceremony held at the president’s office Wednesday, Waheed congratulated the new Indian envoy and welcomed him to the Maldives. The president and the Indian high commissioner later discussed bilateral relations. Shahare reassured Waheed that relations between the countries would continue to flourish, and that it was his highest priority to further strengthen the relationship, a Maldives government statement said. Ties between India and the Maldives went to an all-time low, after Male terminated a contract given to India to modernise the Maldives international airport. The Maldives and India were also at loggerheads after former Maldivian president Mohamed Nasheed sought refuge at the Indian High Commission in Male in February at a time when there was an arrest warrant against him. The Indian government refused to force Nasheed to leave the High Commission premises. The Maldivian government protested and summoned the then Indian high commissioner and raised concerns over the move.

People responsible for splitting DRP will have learned a lesson today- Thasmeen
Leader of the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party, DRP, Ahmed Thasmeen Ali has said that the people responsible for splitting the ranks of the DRP will have learned a lesson today. Speaking at a program aired on VTV, Ahmed Thasmeen Ali said that although those who divided DRP have made their own political party and have held their presidential primary election they will have now learned a lesson. Thasmeen said that many democratic parties of foreign countries appoint their presidential candidates without holding a presidential primary within a party. He said that it is saddening that the top leaders of the PPM are not aware of this fact and that this shows their limited knowledge of democracy. Thasmeen said that he does not want to make any comments regarding the presidential primary of PPM but said that PPM will have learned their lesson by now. Thasmeen said that he is not the least scared to run in a presidential primary. He said he is ready to compete against any political leader.

Gasim gains popularity among the people because they value is services- Ameen

Deputy leader of the Jumhooree Party, Ameen Ibrahim has said that the leader and Presidential candidate of Jumhooree Party, Gasim Ibrahim is popular among the people because the people value his great services for the betterment of the nation. Ameen Ibrahim made this remark in the Jumhooree Party's campaign rally held at Mulee during the party's campaign tour to Meemu Atoll. He said that the country has not seen the likes of Gasim Ibrahim in his great philanthropic works and his public and national services.

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President Waheed visits Alifushi Island

President Dr Mohamed Waheed has today visited Alifushi Island, as part of his current tour of some islands in the North Maalhosmadulu Atoll. Meeting the people of the island this morning, the President spoke of our weakening faith and how it creates the opportunity for foreign powers to influence the nation’s affairs. The President noted that foreign powers would always try to influence us every time there is conflict and instability within the society, and in turn worsen the country’s social harmony. Underlining the political differences within the society, President Waheed said that top priority should be accorded to our religion or national interest. Continuing in this regard, the President said that our national anthem, national flag, and national colours that symbolize the country should come first. In his speech, the President called upon the people to strengthen familial relations and communal unity for a stronger nation. Noting the negative effects of political differences on relations among family members, the President urged everyone to prevent political views from breaking up our families. He also appealed to the people, to put a united front for the development of the island, national development, and for our future generations. As part of his visit to the island today, President Dr Mohamed Waheed also laid the foundation for 6 additional classrooms in Raa Alifushi School.

Re-visiting neighbourhood policy
N Sathiya Moorthy

No discourse nearer home or afar on India's geo-strategic imperatives for the 21st century has been complete without a strong and at times repeated reference to the 'String of Pearls' theory involving China. A theory floated by western strategic thinkers, it had takers in India immediately afterward - to try and ward off the threats from China. Now, it seems to have more takers in the nations of the proponents of the theory. Many are actively engaged as much in India's neighbourhood as with India, with which they have strategic cooperation agreement or arrangement. Some of these bilateral arrangements may still be in the pipeline but that does not alter the course, either in their geo-strategic appeals to India or their own geo-strategic appeal for some of India's neighbours.

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                 10 April 2013 | Wednesday            

Statement From President Waheed On Recent Flogging Case
We would like to thank the international community for their concern in the case of the 15 year old girl who recently received a flogging sentence here in the Maldives. Currently the case is being appealed and I have urged the judiciary to resolve this matter as quickly as possible. This case should never have been presented in the courts and we are working to ensure that cases like this are never brought to the courts again.

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President Sends a Message of Condolence to UK Prime Minister
President Dr Mohamed Waheed has sent a message of condolence to Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, The Right Honourable David Cameron, following the passing away of Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Baroness Thatcher. President Waheed’s message to the UK Prime Minister reads as follows. “It was with great sadness that I learned the passing away of Baroness Thatcher. She was one of the most iconic world leaders of her time, and one who helped to bring irreversible transformations to politics in Britain and elsewhere. Lady Thatcher’s death is a profound loss to Britain, but her remarkable legacy will live on.”

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W Hotels & burn studios DJ Lab Global Tour Arrives In The Maldives
W Hotels Worldwide, in collaboration with burn studios held the second DJ Lab ‘boot camp’ at the beachside retreat, W Bali Retreat & Spa. Turkish DJ, Dougus Cabakcor, one of six DJ’s chosen globally participated in the mentorship program. Following completion of the W Hotels & burn studios DJ Lab, the 2012 class jetted off to perform at select W destinations around the world, including: London, Paris, Barcelona, Bali, Singapore, and Taipei. Now, miles from everywhere, Dogus Cabakcor will perform at the iconic W Retreat & Spa Maldives.

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India lacks expert on Maldives: Former diplomat
PUNE: There is no expert on the Maldives in India, Dnyaneshwar Mulay, career diplomat andformer Indian high commissioner to the Maldives, said on Tuesday. He was in the city to address a session organized by the Pune Union of Working Journalists andDnyaneshwar Mulay Education Society.

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No sacrifice that I won't make for the nation and the people- Gasim

Gasim Ibrahim, Leader and Presidential candidate of Jumhooree Party has said that there is not a single sacrifice he would not make for the sake of the nation and the people. Gasim, one of the most respected businessmen and philanthropist in the country with a strong populist following amongst the people, made this remark speaking at the campaign rally of the Jumhooree Party held at Meemu Atoll Mulee island last Saturday night.

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World's most stunning spaces

WE are sure you will hate your apartment or even luxury penthouse after checking out these images of the worlds most beautiful living spaces.

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Maldives too can have relations with Israel- Ameen Faisal

Whistle blowing website WikiLeaks has leaked a confidential cable that details the works of the government of former President Mohamed Nasheed to strengthen ties with the Jewish occupation known as the Israel. According to Wikileaks the former Defence Minister of Nasheed's regime, Ameen Faisal told US Ambassador Patricia A. Butenis: "If Palestinians, Egyptians, and others can have relations with Israel, so can the Maldives. We share the same concerns about religious extremism."

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8 Groups given permit to take pilgrims to Hajj and Umra

Islamic Affairs ministry has revealed the ministry have issued permits to 8 groups, who applied for permits to take pilgrims to Hajj and Umra this year. Speaking at the ceremony held at the Islamic Affairs ministry yesterday, Deputy Minister Sheikh Mohamed Faroog said that the groups were given a total quota of 874 people from the 1000 people quota.

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Majlis strives to protect Nasheed at all costs- Abdullah

Home Ministry's state Minister Abdullah Mohamed has said that the Peoples' Majlis have been striving hard to protect the unislamic and unconstitutional activities of the former President Mohamed Nasheed.

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Maldives sought assistance of Mossad in 2009- Wikileaks
A classified cable of the United States leaked by the international whistle blowing website, Wikilieaks has revealed that the Maldivian government sought assistance of the Jewish occupation's spy agency, Mossad.

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                 05 April 2013 | Friday            

Emir of Qatar visits Maldives
-President concludes official visit to Kuwait

The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani has arrived in Maldives in an unofficial visit to Maldives. Miadhu Daily is informed that the Emir's visit is unofficial and he came to Maldives early last night in his own jet. According to some staff of the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, the Emir of Qatar walked to his launch and there were about 28 delegates with him.

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Ready to provide quality health care to blind children- Gasim

Founder of Villa Foundation and leader of Jumhooree Party, the popular philanthropist Gasim Ibrahim has said that he is ready to provide quality health services to visually impaired and blind children who have a chance of regaining their sight. Gasim Ibrahim made this remark speaking with the members of Maldives Blind Association at Villa House yesterday. He said that he is ready to send five patients abroad to consult super specialists regarding their visual impairment under conditions stipulated by Maldives Blind Association.

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Scientists identify brain's 'molecular memory switch'

Scientists have identified a key molecule responsible for triggering the chemical processes in our brain linked to our formation of memories. The findings, published in the journal Frontiers in Neural Circuits, reveal a new target for therapeutic interventions to reverse the devastating effects of memory loss. The BBSRC-funded research, led by scientists at the University of Bristol, aimed to better understand the mechanisms that enable us to form memories by studying the molecular changes in the hippocampus - the part of the brain involved in learning.

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No crime under the sun that Nasheed cannot be charged with- Nihan

Villimaafannu constituency MP, Ahmed Nihan Hussain Manik has said that there is no crime under the sun that the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party, MDP, Presidential candidate Mohamed Nasheed cannot be charged with. MP Nihan made this remark speaking at a VTV program last night. He said that the former President Nasheed violated and challenged the constitution repeatedly many times during his three year rule.

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STO introduces simple and cost effective Nippon Momento Special Effects paint

The State Trading Organisation, STO, has introduced to the market a paint which can enhance walls with different colours and various designs and which is a cost effective and simple alternative to wall papers. The ceremony held to launch Nippon Momento Special Effects paint to the Maldivian market was inaugurated by the Director of STP, Shahid Ali. In the ceremony, Henry Ang of Nippon Singapore spoke about the paint.

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                 02 April 2013 | Tuesday            

Police investigating the case of the Artur brothers

Maldives Police Service has stated that they have been investigating the case of the Artur brothers since last January. Police media official told Miadhu Daily that Police have been inspecting them since their arrival as they are accused to be global conmen, criminals and drug traffickers. The Police however stated that so far they have not been convicted of any crime.

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Nation needs a leader who can change one Ruffiya to two- Majdi

Former member of the special Majlis of the Peoples' Majlis for Malhos constituency, Majdi has said that the nation now needs a leader who is capable of changing one Ruffiya to two Ruffiya and whom the people are assured to have that capability. Majdi made this remark speaking at the weekly meeting of the Jumhooree Party. He said that the people should be confident of the leader and the nation is in need of such a leader. He said that the ideal leader should be able to save the nation from the economic drawbacks the country is facing today.

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With Nazim beside Yameen, no support will go for Yameen- Umar
Will wage this war and end this war within PPM

Umar Naseer has said that he would not support PPM Presidential candidate Abdullah Yameen with corrupt people such as the Deputy Speaker of the Peoples' Majlis, MP Ahmed Nazim beside Yameen. Umar made this remark in a public meeting held at the Artificial beach area with his supporters and well wishers. He said that MP Nazim is involved in corruption. He said that he is stating that not to break the ranks of PPM but to be just and to proclaim the truth always.

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Gasim to assist in building a ward for Thalassemia patients

Jumhooree Party leader and founder of Villa Foundation Gasim Ibrahim has said that he will assist the project initiated by some staff of the Faafu Atoll Feeali Hospital to build a separate ward for Thalassemia patients. Gasim announced this in his visit to Feeali Hospital. The staff of the Feeali hospital informed that the island has the largest majority of Thalassemia patients in regards to the percentage of population and more than 16 Thalessemia patients seek medical care from the hospital.

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Bill on Amendments to Banking Act accepted
The “Bill on Amendment to Maldives Banking Act which was tabled by Riyaz Rasheed, MP for Vilufushi has been accepted by the People’s Majlis for debate, yesterday. 49 MPs voted in favor of accepting the Bill. There were three abstentions and 1 vote against accepting the Bill. Plenary debate ended on the government proposed “Bill on Anti Human Trafficking” which was tabled by Mohamed Mujthaz, MP for Hanimaadhoo. Six MPs spoke on the issue today. Today’s Sitting also heard debate on the “Bill on Amendments to the Maldives Pension Act” (8/2009) which was tabled by Ibrahim Riza, MP for Guraidhoo. Five MPs spoke on the issue today. The People’s Majlis will meet again today.

President and First Lady receive warm welcome on arrival in Kuwait

President Dr Mohamed Waheed and First Lady Madam Ilham Hussain had yesterday morning arrived in Kuwait on an official visit. The President and the First Lady received a very warm welcome on arrival at the Amiri Airport. The President, on arrival, was greeted by Amir of the State of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, accompanied by Crown Prince of Kuwait His Highness Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. President Waheed was also greeted by National Assembly Speaker Ali Fahad Al-Rashed, Deputy Chief of the National Guard Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, First Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Humoud Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Deputy Minister of the Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah and senior state officials.

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No room to say that Judiciary is autonomous- CJ

Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz Hussain has said that he does not believe that there is room to say that the Judiciary is autonomous and independent. The Chief Justice made this remark speaking at the ceremony held to celebrate the first anniversary of the Drug Court. He said that the Judiciary cannot function perfectly without being autonomous and independent.

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Gasim says the people will not abandon the religion even in poverty

Jumhooree Party leader Gasim Ibrahim has said that the people of Maldives will not abandon the religion of Islam even if they are poverty stricken. The Presidential candidate of the Jumhooree Party made this remark speaking at the campaign meeting held at Dharabudhu island of Faafu Atoll during his tour of the atoll. He said that those who are campaigning to boycott the tourism industry of Maldives to inflict poverty on the people should know that their attempts to make the people leave Islam are futile. He said that they should propose the Majlis to give the people the independence for apostacy instead.

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STO secures contract to supply fuel to INIA
State Trading Organisation (STO) has secured a 1-year contract to supply aviation fuel and marine gas oil to Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA). The contract signing ceremony was held at STO head office yesterday morning. Some top officials of STO and Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) participated in the ceremony. STO Managing Director Shahid Ali signed on behalf of STO and MACL's Managing Director Ibrahim Mahfooz signed the contract on behalf of MACL. Under the contract valued roughly at USD136 million, STO will supply 1 million barrels of Jet A-1 and 60 thousand barrels of marine gas oil to Malé International Airport over a period of 12 months beginning April 2013.

Maldives: Seeking to put judiciary in a spot
N Sathiya Moorthy

On specifics they may differ, but a common view seems to be slowly emerging on the imminent need for effecting reforms to the nation's judiciary among the divided polity in Maldives. Included in the discourse is also the role of the Judicial Services Commission (JSC), whose membership has also come under question, as should have been anticipated at the drafting of the 2008 Constitution. To the Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MD) of former President Mohammed Nasheed, everything that could go wrong with the judiciary and the JSC have gone wrong. The party often identifies its immediate concerns with the ongoing trail against Nasheed in the 'Judge Abdulla abduction case' when he was in power in January 2012. A conviction accompanied by a prison term not less than one year could cause his disqualification from contesting the presidential polls, slated for September this year.

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