Maldives sought assistance of Mossad in 2009- Wikileaks

A classified cable of the United States leaked by the international whistle blowing website, Wikilieaks has revealed that the Maldivian government sought assistance of the Jewish occupation's spy agency, Mossad.

According to the leaked cable, the former Defence Minister of the government of former President Mohamed Nasheed, Ameen Faisal requested assistance from Israeli Mossad and sought an Information Sharing Agreement with Israel.  And the cable further revealed, according to a U.S. contractor working for the U.N. at the National Disaster Management Center (NDMC) in Maldives, Abdullah Shahid, Chief Coordinator of the NDMC, went to Amman, Jordan, with a side trip to Israel to seek assistance from Israel on disaster management and emergency medicine.

The cable leaked by Wikileaks stated that the Israeli Ambassador to India made a trip to Male to pursue further diplomatic relations with Maldives. The Israeli ambassador was accompanied by a representative from the Israeli MFA.

The cable noted that Abdullah Shahid also served as the State Minister for Housing, Transportation and Environment, is very close to the President, and was imprisoned for several years by the previous government for his alleged role in the 1988 coup attempt against President Gayoom.

"Comment: The Maldives is a moderate, Sunni Muslim country with a democratically-elected government that is friendly to the U.S.  The GOM is looking for ways to reach out to other nations that share its concerns about violent religious extremism.  The Ambassador will discuss this and other positive initiatives when she visits Maldives on October 1.  It should be noted that there has been no media reporting of the State Minister's trip, Israeli ambassador's visit to Male, or the upcoming Defense Minister,s trip.  The Defense Minister,s trip in October was put forth as a trip to Amman, Jordan.  However, the Foreign Minister,s remarks have begun to hint publicly at the GOM's recent strategic developments with Israel, paving the way for even stronger relations in the future," the leaked cable at the Wikileaks said.